Yadkin River Forge

For by hammer and hand do all things stand.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you do demonstrations?
Yes! I go to several events throughout the year and demonstrate for the entertainment and education of the public. It is one of my favorite things to do and if I am unavailable for your event I’d still be happy to pass the information to the many blacksmiths I know!
Do you make knives?
Knives are something any experienced blacksmith can make, that being said many bladesmiths have found their passion in that aspect of the art and can do a better job than me. So not really. I do however enjoy making tomahawks and hammers.
Are you looking for an apprentice?
I’m afraid not, I’d have to pay you and I just can’t justify the expense. Plus OSHA would have to get involved and my shop would give the poor inspector a heart attack. I can however point you in the direction of clubs that would be happy to have you.
Where are you located?
I do all of my blacksmith work in Lexington, North Carolina. But I am not afraid to travel all over the triad to get things done.