My Work And Services

Forged Furniture

Forged furniture is always a fun project for me. Benches, tables, desks and other everyday pieces can become beautiful art in your home with forged aspects incorporated.

Home Décor

Any home can benefit from the addition of forged decorations. From floral sculptures to wall art. Speak to me about what you have in mind.

Railings and Gates

From simple pickets, to something more complex. Why not make something you have to look at everyday unique to your home or business?


Have a piece you picked up at a antique store or flea market you’d love to have another of? Or maybe you saw something in an old book you’d love to own. Reach out about the possibility of recreating it.

Custom Work

Have an idea about something you don’t see here? A project involving metal you’d like to pick my brain about? Feel free to send me a message.


I’m a one man shop but don’t let that stop you from contacting me about your projects. Most of my friends are blacksmiths and craftsmen, if your job is too big for me or not in my wheelhouse I can probably send you to someone who can handle whatever you have in mind.